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Main / HomePage

Linux tool usage:

  * Using the awk tool
  * Using the chroot tool
  * Using the cron tool
  * Using the cut tool
  * Using the diff tool
  * Using the docker tool
  * Using the doxygen tool
  * Using the emacs tool
  * Using the find tool
  * Using the gcc tool
  * Using the gdb tool
  * Using the git tool
  * Using the grep tool
  * Using the logrotate tool
  * Using the modprobe tool
  * Using the mount tool
  * Using the p4 tool
  * Using the parted tool
  * Using the patch tool
  * Using the picocom tool
  * Using the quilt tool
  * Using the screen tool
  * Using the sed tool
  * Using the service tool
  * Using the strace tool
  * Using the svn tool
  * Using the synergy tool
  * Using the systemd tool
  * Using the tar tool
  * Using the tweak tool
  * Using networking tools
  * Using performance monitoring tools

Code and firmware resources:

  * C/C++ coding notes
  * Single and multi-core CPU architecture
  * Data structures and algorithms
  * Firmware architecture
  * Making magic with MATLAB and GNU Octave
  * NASA Core Flight System
  * Python notes
  * Program file structure, execution, toolchain
  * Project/code organization
  * Qt framework notes
  * Shell scripting

Embedded development tools:

  * A little about bitbake (OE/Yocto)
  * A little about Buildroot (and uClibc)
  * A little about busybox
  * A little about CMake
  * A little about GCC configure (AKA autotools, the GNU build system)
  * A little about debuggers
  * A little about Make
  * A little about Scons
  * A little about RTOS
  * A little about U-boot
  * The wonders of VirtualBox

Linux systems:

  * The glorious Debian package manager
  * The init process - it's alive!
  * Kernel bits of information, versions, release numbers, etc
  * Memory: clearing the fog on mapping, phys vs. virtual, etc
  * A little about SELinux
  * Socket programming
  * Solver for common issues and useful tricks 
  * Keeping tabs with syslog
    * ARM for dummies
    * Clock management
    * Device driver notes
    * Bootloaders, RFS, memory, and related critical stuff
    * Graphics development magic
    * On watchdog timers

Physical Layer Devices and Protocols (i.e. Hardware):

  * Ethernet devices
  * Electronics layout, manufacturing, assembly, PCBs, connectors, etc.
  * Using flash technology
  * Using FPGAs and CPLDs (also HDL notes)
  * GNSS (i.e. GPS chips with NMEA protocol)
  * GPUs
  * HW architecture, board systems design, digital logic, components etc.
  * Lab and test equipment
  * Microcontrollers/processors
  * PCI in all varieties
  * Sensors
  * Ye Olde Serial Port, UART
  * Practical signal analysis
  * SPI vs SPI, plus our friend I2C
  * Uncommon interfaces
  * Secrets of USB

Windows systems and tools:

  * Bending Cygwin to your will
  * Using Eclipse
  * Using Notepad++
  * Perforce P4V client
  * Using the putty tool
  * Windows system administration
  * Windows networking
  * Visual Studio can work
  * Improving Visio workflow
  * Windows USB driver dev
  * Windows application dev

Network engineering:

  * Demystifying IPv6
  * Protocols
  * Security

Systems design and development:

  Focus by Field
  * Automotive
  * Avionics
  * Controls
  * Electrical, Signals, Systems
  * Radio, Communications, RADAR
  * Satellites, Navigation (High Altitude)
  Universal Best Practices
  * Development Time and Costs
  * General Application Glossary of Terms
  * General Real-Time Principles
  * Robust and Reliable Development
  * Knightshelm Engineering Initiatives

Standards, specs!

  * DO-178
  * IEC 61508 and ISO 26262

On engineering, project and team management:

  * Great works on technology team management: key principles
  * Contracting
  * Development
  * Favorite tidbits from The Embedded Muse
  * Personnel & Roles
  * State of the Art (articles, musings, opinions)
  * Communicating via the written word
  * The Tough Questions

About the wiki maintainer:

  M.S. in Electrical Engineering, B.S in Computer Engineering, Minor in Mathematics, Private Pilot

  Experienced in:
  Solar power and battery management systems and modeling (Thesis project)
  Satellite communications and information assurance digital hardware and firmware (ViaSat; six years)
  Avionics equipment embedded software development (BendixKing, by Honeywell Aerospace; three years) 
  Sensor/detection systems (Cyndr; two years)
  Crypto-currency mining systems firmware and digital hardware (HashRabbit; one year)
  Driver assist and autonomous driving controller firmware (SF Motors/SERES; one year)
  SDR, UAV and satellite position/navigation/timing firmware and digital hardware (Augustus Aerospace; five years)

  Endorsements from co-workers:
  * ViaSat
  * BendixKing
  * Augustus Aerospace

Working mouse-free:

  * Using media players CL style
  * Using Slickedit the smart way


  * Daily dose of education links
  * PmWiki Usage Notes
  * Teaching Material

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Page last modified on January 06, 2025, at 10:13 PM